About Our School
Usui High School is one of Fukui Prefecture’s public high schools in which 869 students currently attend a full-day class schedule.

In 1963, Japan was experiencing a period of rapid economic growth and thus a surge of youngsters
desiring a high school education in Fukui. However, there was only one issue. Fukui lacked a sufficient
number of schools sporting a standard educational track for college bound individuals. To combat this
problem and better support the growing ambitions of Fukui’s youth, Usui High School was born.
Our school resides in the southern half of Fukui City. In the days of its infancy, the surrounding lands
were filled with nothing but countryside and farm lands. As time went by, this rural landscape slowly
evolved into the sleepy residential district where our school is currently nestled.
Initiatives For This Year
Greetings From the Principal
I would first like to offer a big thanks to the Ikusei Society, the Alumni Association, and the rest of the
vibrant community of individuals who support the educational practices of Usui High School. And of
course, thank you, dear reader, for choosing to access our school’s homepage.
This school first opened its doors in 1963 to better meet the needs of a changing society and has
remained a robust educational facility ever since. The majority of our school’s alumni go on to improve
society in Fukui, Japan and the world over through their dedication and contribution in a multitude of
fields. Now, in the advent of its 60 year anniversary, Usui has set its sights on ushering in yet another
new era for the school. One in which two academic tracks, one standard, and one built on the
foundation of Project-Based Learning (PBL), coexist under the roof of a single school.
In recent years, society has begun to express itself using the acronym, “VUCA,” which stands for
“volatility,” “uncertainty,” “complexity,” and “ambiguity.” As the name suggests, modern life has become
less certain but increasingly complex. This raises the question, what kind of education is required to
make it in such a world? To answer that question, Usui High School has developed seven educational
ideals known as “Usui 7,” which aim to nourish our students’ abilities to
- ①believe in themselves
- ②listen closely
- ③reflect upon their own work
- ④cooperate with others
- ⑤discover problems
- ⑥solve problems
- ⑦function as a member of society
In order to achieve these aims, Usui has since introduced Project-Based Learning and After School Usui
(ASU) as two critical elements to its educational practices.
Usui High School strives to provide a positive learning environment for cultivating young minds such that
they can thrive in the ever changing world around us. I sincerely ask on behalf of the school community for your understanding and support as we move forward in this endeavor.